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Is it a bad thing to mix art and politics?

I really do not think it is. Some of us are actors and some of us are artists and some of us are politicians and some are all of those things wrapped up into one.

 After watching the Republican National Convention spectacle on TV with the mediocre performers and the attempt to snowball the public by not addressing the REAL ISSUES AMERICA FACES, I finally could breathe a sigh of relief. No, not because of Mark Rubio’s speech it was great and the expected stories about Mitt Romney being such a nice guy, but because of the contribution of one great PatriotCLINT EASTWOOD!

The real gunslinger, Clint Eastwood, who else could you trust to save the good guys from EVIL? This evil is so rotten to the core, full of cronyism, big spenders of other people’s money, Pelosi’s rotten “Apple of Eden” and that snake called Harry Reid, supported by the Republican sub-servient cronies like Boehner and the rest of that sickening bunch.
So do you know why the Eastwood’s speech was so great in my opinion? Well here is why:

On the podium was a dignified 82 year old man speaking with a bunch of silver hair somewhat unkempt, as if the wind of truth had been blowing through it. He looked like the Grandfather we all knew or we had known. Many younger voters perhaps never had one and neither did I.

But, I knew one thing from watching him; this man was not playing on stage to be an idol, he had nothing else to gain from being there and speaking his mind, not a political position, not another movie, not another stepping stone to a selfish star kind of  wisdom. No, here was a man speaking in plain talk expressing his concern and love for people and country. Improvised and stumbling at times over the words and thoughts. He was not talking to an audience. He was directly talking to you and me!

Listening closely, I realized he was admonishing all of us for letting a great country fall so deep that ordinary people forgot that they have a stake in it, that they too own this country called AMERICA! And, if the lead guy does not do the job he was suppose to do, then he ought to be let go.

So here is a man, an actor all his life used to metaphors in movies, the cultivated careful image of a loner, who was for once perhaps just for that one night, nothing else but the granddad of the guy next door you have seen sitting on the porch, or your own (imagined) granddad telling you the truth from life’s experience talking about an absent failed leader depicted as an empty chair.

Thank you Clint, thank you again for your free history lesson that all of us could hear and thank you for making my day!